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 NEWS  27th Aug 2006

At the Summit already?

The flight went smoothly, and we land in Doha for a six hour stopover. On exiting the aircraft, the heat and light are oppressive. Strange, then, to find the whole airport brightly lit from within? but then this is a land of oil.

The time proves valuable for general chat: many of the team know each other only superficially, and taking the chance to deepen this knowledge is invaluable. Expeditions can generate friction- after all, up to 19 people are about spend all their time in close proximity in what will ultimately be a harsh or life-threatening environment- and it is important to make friends early!

The flight to Kathmandu is only a matter of a few hours. We land in the evening, to find a gloriously empty arrivals hall and, to our utter amazement, all our kit! In an hour, we are out and driving through the darkened (and damp) streets of KTM, to reach Kit Spencer and his team at the Summit Hotel.

We are welcomed with a traditional ceremony - some food, and small clay cups of fierce (but tasty!) spirit. As expedition leader, Mike Grocott is asked to light two butter candles. We are told that lighting them at first attempt, and keeping them alight, is very important, and auspicious. Not smart, then, when Sundeep knocks one over and extinguishes it only for Hugh to do the same minutes later.

The hotel itself is comfortable in the extreme, and after a large buffet and more than one beer, the team retire. The sound of laughter from an outdoor pool tells us that some have stayed up to play.

Story by Kay Mitchell 

Kay Mitchell

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