Caudwell Xtreme Everest - Exploring Human Physiology At Extreme Altitude
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NEWS: 16th Jun 2007
Raising funds for the Namche Youth Group

The Caudwell Xtreme Everest team are pleased to announce that the Smiths Medical Laboratory staff in Namche bazaar have raised more than $3500 USD to date for the Namche Youth Group. This group of local people work on projects to help their community and the local environment. Currently, the group are involved in building a community hall in Namche, planting trees to help prevent erosion of the local area, and building a porters? lodge.

The Namche laboratory staff sold fleeces, sourced locally, to trekkers and Caudwell Xtreme Team members. The profit from each fleece was divided into buying fleeces for porters, and giving money to support the building of the porters lodge.

Porters in the Khumbu often sleep in caves overnight as they cannot afford to stay in the lodges that proliferate in the Khumbu valley. The Namche laboratory staff felt that supporting the porters? lodge project was particularly important as the Caudwell Xtreme Everest expedition has relied so heavily on porters to move equipment up and down the Khumbu valley.

Caudwell Xtreme Everest would like to thank all those who purchased fleeces to support this cause.