Caudwell Xtreme Everest - Exploring Human Physiology At Extreme Altitude
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NEWS: 26th May 2007
The Climbing Team - 26th May

Mike Grocott, Denny Levett, Sundeep Dhillon, Chris Imray, Nigel Hart, Mick O'Dwyer, Roger McMorrow, Jeremy Windsor, Maryam Khosravi, Vijay Ahuja, Michael Brown, Paul Gunning, Andre Vercueil, and Dan Martin have made it back to base camp. Most of our Sherpas are still on the mountain, as they are packing up the camps. We hope that they will all be down tomorrow evening.

Trek M assisted the base camp team to welcome the climbers back at lunchtime today. This included the playing of 'Eternal Flame' as they arrived off the ice fall.