Caudwell Xtreme Everest - Exploring Human Physiology At Extreme Altitude
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NEWS: 20th May 2007
The Climbing Team - 19th May

Dan Martin, Vijay Ahuja, and Maryam Khosravi have remained at Camp Three today. Patrick Doyle and Andre Vercueil have moved down to Camp Two, as Patrick became unwell yesterday evening. He improved overnight and was able to walk down to Camp Two. He is now feeling much better. He is going to stay at Camp Two for the foreseeable future.

Chris Imray, Sundeep Dhillon and Michael Brown have moved from Camp Two to Camp three, and the rest of the climbing team have remained at Camp Two.

Namche Laboratory finished testing Trek M yesterday, and the staff are now packing up their laboratory. Trek M have set off for Deboche today. Trek L are currently being tested at Pheriche Laboratory.