Caudwell Xtreme Everest - Exploring Human Physiology At Extreme Altitude
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Dr Charles Clarke

Dr Charles Clarke is a neurologist recently retired from Whipps Cross Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London.

He was on the Everest SW Face expedition in 1975 where he carried out research into the retinal circulation. He has been involved in many other expeditions ? to West Nepal, Kishtwar, Menlungtse, Kongur, Everest North-East Ridge and more recently to the Eastern Nyenchen Tangla in eastern Tibet with Chris Bonington.

He edited Mountain Medicine and Physiology with Michael Ward and Edward Williams in 1974. He was President of the UIAA Medical Commission and is now President of the British Mountaineering Council. He is still an active climber and a keen sailor.