Caudwell Xtreme Everest - Exploring Human Physiology At Extreme Altitude
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Kay Mitchell - Project Manager

Kay manages recruitment and communication with the trekkers as well as collating all other information, keeping together the nuts and bolts of the project. She also manages the expedition accounts.

Kay studied at the Oxford School of Nursing before attending UCL (University College London) where she completed her Human Sciences degree with honours. She then joined Midland Bank on a Graduate Management Programme, and worked as a Customer Services Manager at a large London branch. Since returning to nursing, Kay has worked as an Intensive Care nurse at University Hospitals NHS Trust in London, and more recently as the Intensive Care teaching Sister at Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Her current appointments include research nurse in Hypoxia for the UCL Institute of Human Health and Performance.

In her spare time Kay enjoys running, belongs to East End Roadrunners running club and often takes part in marathons and triathlons. She is a climber, skier and takes pleasure in traveling abroad. She has trekked in the high Atlas mountains in Morocco, and in southern China.

She also enjoys being creative and baking unusual cakes including birthday cakes and wedding cakes.